
Hack or Crack! :)

I missed the twestival which was conducted there at Cochin this year for mallu's! Been so long since I've logged into Blogger to add a domain name. And, now I've done that! Here is the link. Why not take a look? GeekCumTechie .

So, let me tell you a very interesting story!
There are many techies and geeks out here in Kerala and a number of passionate blogger's. I took it by surprise when I heard that there are many unconference's conducted for such guys and the rules they've brought down on their official website is cool too: Rules (Rules? :P)

The meetings or unconferences they conduct are called Bar Camp's. But, it is called the same in a number of places round the globe. Here, in Bar Camp Kerala or BCK is the camp for techie's, with no one to supervise, no one to listen, with everyone networking with their laptop as seen. If you wanna register with them, go online and complete the registration process and there you are! You'll be invited for the next bar camp. I could not take part in the last camp conducted at MACFAST. Are you married to technology? So, see you there at the venue for BCK9.

Why didn't I take part in Bar Camp Kerala 8?
I thought to take part. But, what should I tell my dad? That thought flashed in my mind and I did not tell him about BCK. "Bar", "Camp" and etc... LoL! :)


Amith Jose said...

Same prblm arises 4 me too pal..........

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