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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Desiging websites a good work!

I think that web designing has got entrenched in to the modern web world. Anyone and everyone has started making money out of it. Every geek or a PC buff can do this if they know some sort of online programming. The programming language knowledge should just be very less that it brings considerable profits into out PayPal account. This can indeed be made a business. But, the main problem we are running up against in this field is that most of the people cheat us often in such transactions. Either they don't provide us with the money after using out service or else we don't serve them in time. The second reason can be avoided by working for long hours on the PC. But, plonking before the PC is not an handy task still. To ensure profits from this and to ensure that they pay money you can make use of some mediators in such business. and provide such mediator services. This can ensure the payment of money to our PayPal account or even into our E-banking account.

There are many ways to get a deal fixed.
Mostly i try Yahoo! Answers to get a deal. There are many questi0ns posted there in the Programming and Design section of the Yahoo! Answers. There are mostly Porsche and people leading pompus life who post questions there. What we should do is just to answer the query they ask. Give them an Email ID of yours so that they may be able to contact you. Do not give your personal ID because there is a chance that it may get hacked as you are making it public. Sp let them contact you. Before that note that you answer the questions related to web deisnging work and all. At the end, ask them whether they want any services to be rendered. If they tell yes, fic the deal. So, you shall shake on it.

There are other methods for getting offers. Another, methos to search for offers is by starting a website. There in your website post a form so that users can order for a website to be designed online. Also, add your website to Tech websites like and This can help you very much. Because this play a very big role in improving your traffic on the web. So try it out. Even, a blog will do. See that you do a bit of SEO so that your website can be found out through Google search or else your website will be very far behind the others and no one will prefer your services. Before all these learn some programming languages. That can help you!

Pre-requisites to begin the gig!

  1. First you should have a PayPal account of your own. I hope that you know what is to be done to start a PayPal account and to register with PayPal- the instant money transfer service, the most trusted one on the web.
  2. Secondly, you should start a website or a blog. You can also monetize your blog. There are articles pertaining to that in this blog itself. Check it out! Then add your website to the MyBlogLog and technorati. status and thereby the number of visitors to your website will increase. This can bring you a good haul
  3. Know all the leading web programming languages so that no problem arises in designing.
I hope that you can understand what i tell. So, follow these steps and be a man who can mend money online. All the best! Contact me for further assistance.,, 09496841150


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